19th December 2024
Together with Rotherham's business community, we help equip residents for work in Rotherham’s key employment sectors and support business growth.
The RiDO People and Skills team works closely with partners across the Sheffield City Region to deliver a wide range of assistance for employers around developing the workforce, along with helping residents on their career journeys into education, training, employment, and in-work progression.
This activity forms part of the Sheffield City Region’s Strategic Economic Plan and Renewal Action Plan which have a key focus on employment and skills. RiDO is also working closely with members of the Rotherham Business Growth Board’s Employment & Skills Sub-group, to play a major role in the delivery of Rotherham’s Employment & Skills Plan 2019-25.
The Rotherham Works campaign
The Rotherham Works campaign supports local businesses with their recruitment and skills needs, whilst providing information to residents on the job market and opportunities to learn new skills.
The RiDO team is producing a range of resources for partners to showcase local businesses, key developments and opportunities for work, education, training, and upskilling. Regular newsletters and presentations will be shared with DWP Work Coaches, schools, colleges and many other key partners, showcasing business recruitment success stories and links to where residents can access further help and support.
For more information about Rotherham Works or the Employment & Skills Subgroup contact jenny.lawless@rotherham.gov.uk
Employment and skills schemes supporting business and residents
DWP Kickstart 16-24 is a £2 billion fund to create hundreds of thousands of high-quality 6-month job placements for young people. Click here to find out more.
Sheffield City Region skills and redundancy support is available to Rotherham businesses via the following schemes. Contact us to find out how your business and employees can benefit from support.
- SCR Skills Support for the Workforce provides fully funded support for SMEs to support business growth by developing staff through a range of tailored training programmes. Support is also available for furloughed staff returning to the workplace, or staff made redundant searching for their next role.
- SCR Skills Bank provides employers across the Sheffield City Region with access to high-quality training and funding to support skills development that will enable them to develop their business.
- SCR Growth Hub Skills forms part of the Growth Hub offer, investing in skills and expertise to drive business growth. Growth Hub advisors can connect employers to high-quality training providers to meet those needs.
The South Yorkshire Careers Hub - Linking business and education
The South Yorkshire Careers Hub works in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company and the four Local Authorities of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield, to connect with schools, colleges, training providers, employers and other partners in a meaningful way that will help support young people in the next steps in their educational journey and longer-term career aspirations.
A team of Careers Consultants work across South Yorkshire to support careers leaders, build networks with employers and help education providers to implement the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance.
With the support from our amazing local employers, we can help inspire and prepare young people for the world of work. Businesses large or small can get involved and can volunteer for as little as an hour!
For more details, please contact your Careers Consultants for Rotherham: verity.start@rotherham.go.uk ; julie.hussey@rotherham.gov.uk
Give an Hour
Are you short on time but would like to give something back to the community and inspire young people in South Yorkshire? Why not ‘Give an Hour’ and you could share your career story, take part in mock interviews or judge an enterprise competition. Head over to the Careers and Enterprise Give an Hour website for more information and to sign up for the Careers and Enterprise Company’s Give an Hour campaign.
Become an Enterprise Adviser
We match each school and college in Rotherham with a volunteer Enterprise Adviser (EA). An EA works strategically with the Careers Leader for a minimum of 1 year, supporting them to develop their careers programme. An EA may provide an employer’s perspective, support with employer engagement, provide an insight into their sector, or support with strategic planning. Find more about Enterprise Advisers on the Careers and Enterprise website.
The business and education alliance project – engage, inspire, and inform the Next generation
Through the Business and Education Alliance Project, local employers can take part in a range of fun and interactive events to engage, inspire and inform Rotherham’s young people about the world of work and the local career opportunities available. Young people get the latest insight about industry straight from employers themselves; and businesses raise awareness of their sector amongst young people. Upcoming project activities include career speed networking sessions and dragons den workshops.
For each event, business volunteers are fully prepared and supported throughout, and the project works closely with local secondary schools & colleges to ensure the activity is meaningful and worthwhile for all parties involved. There is no cost to schools or employers and the time commitment can be as little or as much as business volunteers wish to give.
For more information, please contact jennie.watts@rotherham.gov.uk
Careers events
Local Employment Advisory Forum (LEAF)
Rotherham works with key partners to host the award winning LEAF job and careers fair every November, to help businesses source and recruit future apprenticeships and employees. Contact Vicki.Norman@rotherham.gov.uk for further information or click here.
Visit the LEAF Facebook page here.
Get up to Speed
Get up to Speed is a chance for businesses to showcase some of their most exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) inventions and inspire young people to consider careers within these sectors. www.getuptospeed.org.uk
Rotherham Apprentice of the Year Awards
The annual awards event is a partnership between RIDO and the Rotherham Advertiser. This is a great opportunity for local employers to recognise the work of their apprentices and to celebrate their achievements. Starting in March, the awards culminate in a ceremony at the New York Stadium. Nominations are via the Rotherham Advertiser for more information contact Vicki.Norman@rotherham.gov.uk or Kim.Ollivent@rotherhamadvertiser.co.uk.
Get in touch for more information.
Call us on 01709 254444 or simply fill in our form and we will get back to you.
6th Mar 2025, 01:00pm — 03:00pm
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