Rotherham man smashes turnover target with Launchpad support

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Born and bred in Rotherham, Patrick O’Connor is part of a team of three that run the UK arm of SYIL CNC, an exclusive distributor of a specialist product sold to the UK and Irish market.

The high-tech product is controlled by a computer and cuts metal for parts that are then used in the aerospace and automotive industries. It’s so specialist that SYIL CNC UK is one of just 26 dealers from around the world.

The company is clearly impressing, as they have formed a partnership with social media sensation Titans of CNC based in America- who have a staggering 400 million views on YouTube.

Patrick runs the UK arm of the company alongside Tom Marshallsay and Lee Wilkinson, but has big hopes to expand the team next year to between seven and nine people.

They’re well on course to do it, having smashed their turnover target for year one in the first six months of business. Patrick wants to double it in year two.

Thirty-two-year-old Patrick, from the Brecks area, is full of praise for Rotherham Launchpad, who have been on hand to provide help and advice along the way on his start-up business journey

“I first had dealings with Launchpad six years ago with another business,” he explains.

“The help I’ve received from them has included grant funding and advice around the marketing aspect. It was also great having an experienced team to speak to.”

“We got a lot of help and solid advice which has helped us to do things correctly from the off. The team also put us in contact with correct people who could answer our questions.”

And Patrick’s advice for anyone thinking about reaching out to Launchpad?

“100% get in touch – the team have a wealth of knowledge and it’s a free service. Launchpad were fantastic and I always sing their praises.”

“I want to give something back moving forward and help up and coming entrepreneurs – so I’ll be offering my services to the team at Launchpad!”

To find out more about SYIL CNC UK, visit their website here